Dr. Bikash Sharma: An Amazing Trailblazer in Education and Philanthropy

September 17, 2023
3 mins read
Dr. Bikash Sharma IAMA founder

In the realm of education, management, and philanthropy, one name shines bright: that of Dr. Bikash Sharma. With a career spanning over two and a half decades, Dr. Sharma’s exceptional contributions and remarkable achievements have garnered global recognition. His journey is a testament to his unwavering commitment to promoting education as a fundamental right and making the world a better place for all.

The Man Behind the Achievements

Dr. Bikash Sharma, an accomplished management professional and philanthropist, has dedicated his life to pursuing quality education and healthcare for all, irrespective of geographical or economic boundaries. His unwavering belief in the mantra “Education is a Fundamental Right” drives his relentless efforts.

Born with an insatiable thirst for knowledge and a profound desire to make a difference, Dr. Sharma has excelled academically, being a University Rank Holder and Gold Medalist. However, his journey extended far beyond academic achievements. His versatility, out-of-the-box thinking, and profound commitment to humanitarian causes set him on a path of extraordinary accomplishments.

Dr. Sharma’s Distinguished Achievements

One of the most notable highlights of Dr. Bikash Sharma’s illustrious career is his nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2023. This prestigious acknowledgement is a testament to his tireless efforts in promoting world peace and harmony through education.

In 2022, Dr. Sharma was commissioned as an Honorary Kentucky Colonel by the Governor of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, USA, Andy Beshear. This distinguished title, allowing him to be addressed as “Colonel,” is the highest state honour of Kentucky, recognizing his significant contributions to the field of education.

In 2021, Dr. Sharma was inducted as a Knight of Rizal (KR) by the Brazilian Chapter. This honour, one of the highest state distinctions in the Philippines, bestows upon him the title “Sir” in recognition of his dedication to creating an equitable society through education.

The year 2020 witnessed another milestone in his journey when Dr. Sharma received the President’s Volunteer Service Award (PVSA) from the then-President of the USA, Donald Trump. This federal honour recognized his role as a role model and his substantial impact as a committed volunteer in the realm of education.

Recently in 2023, Prof. Bikash Sharma has been appointed as the Pro Chancellor and Chairman of the Governing Council of Franco-British International University, located in Kaduna, Nigeria. This prestigious appointment shows Prof. Sharma’s commitment to advancing academic excellence, national development, and global competitiveness through his leadership in the field of education.

Contributions that Transcend Borders

Dr. Bikash Sharma’s remarkable contributions extend far beyond traditional educational endeavours. His tireless efforts have earned him prestigious roles and accolades on the global stage, showcasing his dedication to fostering education, world peace, and humanitarian values.

He serves as the Business Ambassador and Chancellor General for SAARC Nations with the United Nations Intergovernmental Organization, furthering his commitment to regional collaboration and development.

Recognized for his exceptional abilities in conflict resolution and diplomacy, Dr. Sharma has been appointed as the Peace Mediator and Chancellor General for India and the SAARC Nations by the International Special Court of Arbitration and Human Rights.

Dr. Sharma’s global influence is evident in his role as the Goodwill Ambassador, Visiting Professor and Director South Asia at the National Academy of Security and Defense Planning (NASDP) Romania. This institution, accredited by the Migration and Home Affairs, European Commission, plays a pivotal role in promoting security and defence education.

These prestigious appointments and titles underscore Dr. Sharma’s commitment to bridging gaps, promoting peace, and creating opportunities for education and collaboration across borders.

IAMA: A Vision Realised

IAMA logo

The International Academic and Management Association (IAMA), founded in 2013 and registered as a trust under the Indian Trust Act, embodies Dr. Sharma’s vision of education as a fundamental right. IAMA stands for qualitative, affordable, dynamic, flexible, inclusive, borderless, and industry-centric education.

This not-for-profit membership-based association has grown rapidly and now serves over 200 educational institutions and government-backed agencies across 44 countries. Its mission is to transform lives by internationalising education, breaking down barriers, and ensuring that every individual has the opportunity to receive a quality education.

Dr. Bikash Sharma’s Role in IAMA

Dr. Bikash Sharma’s leadership as the President and Founder Trustee of IAMA has been instrumental in shaping the organisation’s global impact. His visionary approach has led to groundbreaking partnerships, such as becoming an official partner of the World Health Organization (WHO) driven PMNCH in 2022, focusing on the health of women, children, and adolescents.

IAMA’s designation as a UN Partner organisation (NGO) on projects related to UNICEF, WFP, UNHCR, and UNFPA further underscores its commitment to humanitarian causes. The organisation has achieved full accreditation from QAHE, EEQA, and EAHEA reflecting its high standards in academic quality and management capabilities.

In healthcare, IAMA’s initiatives involve establishing collaborative medical colleges in developing nations to increase the number of healthcare professionals and workers. Additionally, IITPL, the subsidiary under Dr. Sharma’s guidance works on upgrading existing healthcare infrastructure and providing affordable generic medicines.

In the realm of waste management, IAMA introduces technology to convert waste into domestic biofuel and organic fertiliser. Moreover, they advocate for the use of solar energy to address the issue of electricity shortage in developing nations.


Lastly, in a remarkable turn of events, IAMA established its very own university, the IAMA International Open University of Florida (IIOUF). It was officially established in June 2022 and became operational in October 2022.

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